School of Business - Business Degree & Diploma Info Session: May 4th

Get the practical education you need for a rewarding career in business. Learn about these career-focused programs offered through the School of Business:

This session will cover the key differences and advantages of the business degree and diploma programs. More detailed information will be provided for each of the following groups:

  • Students interested in applying to the four-year BBA degree (first-year entry)
  • Students interested in applying for advanced standing in the BBA degree (for those who have completed or will complete a business diploma)
  • Students interested in taking the BA diploma (including details on full-time studies, as well as part-time and online options)

SAIT School of Business

1301 - 16th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta T2M 0L4
403 284 8485

Date: 4/05/2016
Time: 5:30 PM

Location: Heritage Hall, SAIT Main Campus

The info session will be held in Heritage Hall on May 4 at 5:30 pm.

Heritage Hall is located on the SAIT main campus, just north of the main SAIT parkade. Please see the map below for more detailed directions

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